Air conditioning optimizer

by Solutheon



Stop wasting money cooling your workspace more than is actually needed!Consider these 3 facts:- Outside temperatures are reaching new records- Power rates are in the rise- Setting the air conditioning too cold can cause thermal shocks, and trigger respiratory diseasesExpertheon optimization engine takes several variables (area, occupancy, weather, electrical loads, solar radiation, air conditioner size and efficiency, work schedule, energy rate...) into our own optimization algorithm, to find the optimal temperature setpoint that:- Reduces your energy bill- Assures a comfortable indoor temperature- Reduces the risk of developing respiratory illnessesThe configuration of Expertheon takes just a few minutes. Once configured, every hour the optimal temperature setpoint will be shown as a notification in the phone where Expertheon is installed, and will also be shared in a Telegram group with your designated collaborators...make them part of your energy saving team! Set your air conditioner to the temperature suggested by Expertheon and enjoy the savings and benefits every working day!Photo: Christina @ en Unsplash